Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tricks With The Cervix

the map

HE had a lj, would now among my friends. shame not know done ...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Can Donating Blood Delay You Period

Hier ist Kein Warum

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Marriage Invitation Wordings Kavidai In Tamil

"I feel the weight of the books on my head ... really, do not take it anymore." Haiku

"There is no intention to understand, and this corrupts society, which can more easily believe that the good guys and bad guys here are there." (Marlene Kuntz)

"You are beautiful, but you are empty. You can not die for you" (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

Now seriously, someone has to tell me what Universe is going on. Wherever a person is wise faces, sees nothing but ignorance, carelessness, inability to see beyond their noses, and reinforced no desire to acquire this skill. The majority of humans does not arise any question, do not have any kind of curiosity in his mediocre numbers to, promoting the power and lifetime members of the power, huddled down in defense of their celebration, and perpetuates the system makes it effective. Marx has had the wisdom to distinguish the structure (the system that prevails in a given moment in time) from the superstructure (what the system put in place for self-preservative: laws, philosophies, ideas ...). In our case we are not talking about middle-class, but people refractory to maieutics, which produces and endorses a culture in the rough and ugly, which is essential in order to preserve their own beliefs and dogmas.

far as the eye of a man can look, you see nothing but a dense fog of pseudo-culture, created with the sole purpose of keeping people to "feel good so ... Television is flooded with programs such as this and this , on which even speak words full of disgrace would be considered a demonstration of excessive, even negative. The mainstream music is occupied by bums and chains, the text more complicated than I was able to hear was an individual from the decorum doubt that ate the entrails of reptiles hunted by himself, the program makes sense that I was able to assist you care to begin each shot in the studio with an extreme close that, from the ankles of a busty as silly presenter scroll all'inforcatura (still covered by a thin layer of cloth, but that's a matter of time, not will). "Culture" with whom we come in contact indoctrinate women to meet a stereotype that has nothing good or useful to the evolution of species. (*) The system teaches man to adapt to a standard that focuses on skills unnecessary, futile, vain, inane.

The woman-type (**) now has developed a peculiar tendency to be nasty, embracing every possible shade of meaning that this word has. Nothing really matters, if not the number of States from which they are made to penetrate the space of one night. In almost all women the brain not getting enough oxygen because the blood flow to the remnants of the hymen, and from that area have moved even the basic mental capacity.

Man has built-in self-type of the concerns and priorities that were previously the exclusive preserve of the female world, such as being consistently competitive, preserve forever their youth and prowess, being strong, infallible decided, functional. There is no trace in the advertising literature, someone who says "conforming to the Tao of the moment, and something will come of it" ... Anyone who sells something, the mineral water to condoms, the panettone with grenades, leverages the collective neurosis of our time: fear of growing old, dying of suffering, of alone, what is different, whatever it is "out" from the small world built by a few small and powerful hyenas, with the ultimate goal of forming successors, who will in turn teachers of other small little hyenas hyenas.

includes a magazine, sfogliatela and place special emphasis on advertising that you see printed: not noticed anything "weird"? They are all happy, porcocervo ALL! There's a face that is not sad to say, but at least it adopts a neutral expression. Is this the vision of themselves that today's society? Happily, without exception? Possible that creative of a thousand and not more than one thousand agencies can not understand that, occasionally, humans have carnal shitty day, they wake up evil, faces pissed? Teaches us to be happy, anyway, not to indulge NEVER to reveal that something is wrong, to make daily work of schizophrenia, splitting an Ego which should be less fragmented effort to ensure the health of the intellect. And it's better if you stop to consider that what does the advertising is the art industry. Turn on the TV, tune in to MTV. The same seven songs are repeated and self-replicating, under different names and with different titles. All the music (I repeat: ALL THE MUSIC) you have to let you pouring out the network is watered down and stripped of any connotations of rebellion against the system, complained of any concept that can make the listener reflect on the reality that surrounds him. To create the tivvì has also tried an alternative, you say, with Flux , the menstrual-known open source network. But ask yourself, because the network was established as an offshoot of MTV? And above all, damn it, ask yourself why a network that has the possibility of living annuity (with no advertising = no constraint programming. If you look at me ok, if not look at me patience) and pass on good music, in the end it does not almost never, and the few times that we can demonstrate that they have no critical sense? They simply take video unusual, and convey them if you like Bon, passes them to Mom MTV, and if you do not like glub, put them back into the cauldron dell'indistinto huan universal. Why cristodiddio, why, why, WHY 'do not pass the Afterhours? The Marta sui Tubi? Interpol? De Andrè? The Gogol Bordello? The Verdena, Tool, the CIS, Bertoli? Classical music, why not? Black background with author and title, and so on. Small budget, good music, everyone happy. Or not? No, it is clear that can not work like that. Who says "Of course we must do with a way to exercise obedience d / to a much more humane gesture that gives you a sense of violence / but we must make as much as to become balls / That they are unable to understand that there are good powers, "who says this is a physiological fact that nowadays can not be heard, given the ties of censorship with which imprison free expression. Ideas like these have no political color. Ergo, they can not be an instrument of anyone, do not go well, do not endorse anyone, do not pretend to justify, deconstruct and even raise that fucking veil of Maya. Who says "I take care of the leaves, will be strong, if I can ignore that the trees are dead!" Self-ostracized from the crowd, none of it, fewer people know it exists, the better.

Even now you continue to say little, serializing a concept, an idea, music, book, is inevitably empty of any meaning to make pure signifier, fetish total of a group of people, totem that has lost its original function. Manuel Agnelli pointing at the moon, the little hyenas look at the finger. Fabrizio sang the Fool, but in all honesty, how many of you do not Possoni said to have had at least once a world in the heart, without being able to express with words? Yet if the song is about the mad bomber of the chemist, the hero, for the people is their ox that is spoken. Room for interpretation, the richness of meaning, zero. For modern society, educated by a pedantic study of signs, what matters is the symbol, not the meaning. The signifier is taken and gnawed alive. Perhaps the meaning is lost in those twenty-one programs that seem to go away soon after. How many people reflect on this, that the words themselves have no meaning without a quid behind them that the rule? Clips that are not temporary ideas too light to stay on the ground. Say "apple" so many times. Do not you think that the word, the sum of phonemes, eventually loses its meaning? Appointment tenemus naked, has never been as true today.

is clear now how many people are prey to the square of ignorance, that those who are ignorant of their ignorance, in a chain of neuronal crushing collective forgetfulness that is bringing the capabilities of the intellect. They are prey to a superstructure that is among the most slimy and insinuating: that ignorance gives as a form of control. No need for detailed studies or professional, the System requires dry and free from curious minds to commit indefinitely, or evolution, however, forced in one direction from its distorted perception of them universal. People would be too awkward, childish, it raised certain questions like: "Why things are so and not there? What would happen by changing some parameters? Who makes the choices that legitimizes the ruling class? We are quite sure that globalization is good? ". Identity social, mass communication, art, pars destruens all this has come down to politics. It is no accident: each of the problems I was careful to enunciate undeniably part by unease generated by the powers that be. The art is exiled uncomfortable today no less than that in its heyday of the railways, independent thinking is put aside, isolated from the group marked as different. The minds are educated from an early age to give little weight to the feelings and much to the brand of his shoes, with an increasing consumption that leads us to treat the leaves in first. We fund all our energies to make us a name and reputation, skill and forget these atavistic as . The Italian is disappearing, having sold replaced by a sum of codes of each filtered conceptual difficulty in the name of speed typing. The stories are disappearing, we no longer have memory of anything, there is more awareness of who we are, what our predecessors did and why things are as they are ... There is no way, with the knowledge we have now, to halt to everything: to propagandize only attracts minds already "awake" to work maieutics little use if there is nothing left to give birth.

Really, please explain what is happening.

(*) obvious how I speak for the majority of women and men, quite different from their WHOLE '. The minimum portion that remains a precious and irreplaceable, I read this post.

(**) meaning "woman-like" 98.8% of being female that I met.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

What Is The Best Conditioning Mascara

Autumn has arrived.