speak of sync? A small post of his own Originally published at WebServer - Eos Net srl . Any Please leave comments there.
time ago we sent an article on the net completely snubbed by everyone, rightly, as it was written in Aramaic and that the industry is hosting and domains, in Italy, placed at the usual level of truth about Ustica.
The article was called: But in Italy there is a culture in the Media Hosting?
if the sync was not telling the usual wretched
(thanks to exist) and a few bloggers, despite being a major event, would pass quietly.
Even among the transfer if it does not talk much. Few involved in this discourse, if not the usual. Maintainer in the newsletter you have read only two small self-promotion and some info. On the Web can be easily found maintainer who seek better free script for doing everything but what you do not read it: revolution for the Italian bureaucratic statist country .... Innovation in half last year after being matched to the international rules to ... half ...
Mediaset, Radio, RAI are always ready to talk to the wind and headed various bottoms or facebook that does not bring some money home to Italy.
Why not speak a bit of doing this thing to finally understand Now simply register. com (temporal advantage and bureaucratic) to the detriment of. it is no longer to be taken into cosider?
But no! The important thing to talk about stupid things and above all be heterophile
Leave aside the personal thoughts and move on to the semi-handy with some information.
1) it is revolutionary in my opinion ... yes!
The supplier is removed from the boxes now, we talk about the recordings, some things that happened in the past
* explain to the less informed and have little desire to read, that the fax to send signed and completed well. *
forward every time you do not accept email to Lar
* explain why a wire width is not good
* respond to emails where the customer asked why a domain was not registered and is pissed as well, rightly, though he had forgotten to send the fax he had sent 5 sometimes not always readable
* etc. ..
Now the customer simply clicks on a button, fill in the data, the Registrar another small key and click in 1 second domain is registered.
We took some steps and broken boxes.
is not revolutionary? I believe you. Obviously, if we compare with other countries is not revolutionary, but should have!
2) IF!
Maintainer great because you do not have struggled to turn their position to REG MNT but have opened up new positions?
One explanation may be important and is just 100% (within 45 days of moving domains are not entirely clear ... .... Credit upgradeable with delays RULE OUT ANY online business)
Maybe they were right to open new positions as the two issues indicated above are little things nightmarish.
To be malicious you might think that by doing so they wanted to restrict some transfers as transfers to A REG MNT will be used even while the FAX from REG to REG will align to. Com, but that is with a AUTHINFO ... this is basically evil and want sputtar judgments.
Surely the key issue is what is indicated (45 days of chaos and messy to handle credit) credit REG
The beauty is that it is a lottery. If you put the right credit based on the usual routine, risk arrest. If by chance you are lucky enough to get out a newspaper and you'll get 500 times the regular customers, you are back in the loser having to feel great because you can not beat the credit register and renew domains for a few days.
3) Failure to communicate by MAINTAINER? or lack of information from the registry?
The Register reported that has changed the procedure for assigning domain lar level of acceptance.
happened before that was taken into cosider the date / time of receipt of LAR.
Now, there being a synchronous half, the Register reported that the rule is changed: he takes into account the date / time to take charge of a lar.
This is the example that I've written when it was done the course. ... But there is a point that will demand under the quotas.
Asynchronous Example:
- Friday night sent a width for the domain dipopo. com.
- John sends a width Saturday morning for the usual domain.
Monday morning, the register takes in and accepts the width of Friday evening. Example
- Friday night sent a width for the domain dipopo. It
- John records the usual domain with a Registrar in real time.
Monday morning, the registry will read the fax sent on Friday, but since the domain was registered in real time, on Friday or Saturday or Sunday rather than Monday morning, will have to forcefully reject the registration request because the domain has been registered with the synchronous method and obviously can not be deleted.
the X maintainer: you have got this information from the registry? The insert on the faq?
missing the point about reported is:
"but if 10.30 am, the width is taken into care and a registrar sends your registration at 10:31, who is the domain? "
From the above example is very clear that the priority of registrations has passed into the hands of the customer of a REGISTRAR, causing damage to the maintainer.
We are very happy while we're Registrar, however, because at this point keep up the situations for 2 years?
To avoid having to dispose of a property right of employees that they would no longer have a job? even if the speech was born with synchronous random checks on registered domain names via REGISTRAR?
4) platforms
On the web there are 2 or 3 software for the management of EPP and these scripts do not say anything because it is just to make compliments to those who wanted to make this gift to those who want to do without the Registrar hard work .. so to speak ..
When you started talking about SYNCHRONOUS seemed to be something really scasinato in order to be accredited. There was talk of
piattafroma test ... in the end we saw that the test is something very bland and the platform itself is not complicated.
The problem comes out when you want to ottemeperare all guidelines imposed by the bureaucratic and legal registry and especially if you want to do a little work to integrate their management platform with the EPP.
Perhaps we would be slower than other, less intelligent, but it took us about 45/52 days to prepare the platform.
It 's true that it is a platform for a thousand and one nights (PRAISE TO THE MAXIMUM!! And his group), but since the network is a little bit different in terms of directives registry, you want to go back and devote these days to other (sorry Stephen).
Many are troubled that the Registry has made available a management platform usable.
Registrars worldwide are few, perhaps because they have struggled to do their job .... It is time that here in Italy it is hard for most to afford to enter a market.
Hosting is the only non-regulated market. It's about time this story ended?