report cards Antonio Pizzuto "No more weary, but more" were born and report cards Antonio Pizzuto
Polistampa republish a key work of production in the Sicilian writer
Florence, August 24, 2010 - "I am beginning to think - yet in the nebula - on a new book, Forms, of which I have already made up about 3 million of your snowy folders: a book that will no longer loose (I'm sixty those already made Trilogy in the small page-Symphony-Testament, and I think that is enough), but different, but another. "So wrote September 26, 1968 Anthony Pizzuto (Palermo 1893 - Rome, 1976) in a letter to his publisher Alberto Mondadori announced the establishment of a new work, then that will change the name in report cards and will be published by The Assayer in two volumes, one in 1973 and another in 1975, with French translation and notes by Madeleine Santschi. report cards, key work nell'originalissimo Pizzuto's stylistic development, returns today after more than three decades in a new critical edition (Polistampa, pp. 344, € 24) by the Roman philologist Gualberto Alvino, noted scholar of twentieth-century literature.
"The edition of Alberto Mondadori, Alvino says in the introduction, "but not fired at that time supervised by the author, was packed to the point of fines typographical mistakes, errors as to be unintelligible at times." Report cards is a capital moment in the evolution of style in a more experimental prose writers of the last century: the transition from the "loose" (episodes recorded in a single plan narrative, although usable in compact blocks of their essence, and dominated imperfect , time of duratività and indeterminacy) that in fact the "report cards" (short essays in themselves concluded, characterized by the deletion of the verb to the ways finished with its inevitable disintegration of characters and events).
appreciated at the time by readers like Solmi Bilenchi, Baldacci, Bo, Contini, Butor, Segre, Pedulla, Jacobbi, Antonio Pizzuto in recent years is the subject of a discovery that led to the publication of most of the novel: novels 'youth' and Rapier Rapin (Editori Riuniti, 1998), so (Polistampa, 1998), Symphony 1923 (Mesogea, 2005), by correspondence with Giovanni Nencini, Gianfranco Contini and Margaret (Polistampa, 1998 and 2000), Salvatore Spinelli (New Ipsa, 2001 and 2003), Lucio Piccolo, Vanni Scheiwiller (Scheiwiller, 2002 and 2005), Charles Betocchi (Polistampa, 2006) and Alberto Mondadori (Polistampa, 2007); productions extreme Juntas and commas (Fon dation Piazzolla 1996), Switch off the boiler (Casta Diva, 1999). In 2001 he published new editions will be repaired dolls (sellers) and the latest and penultimate (Cronopio) in 2002 in Ravenna and short pages (Polistampa) in 2004 and those of Miss Rosina On the bridge of Avignon (Polistampa) in 2009 that of the Old Testament (Polistampa).