colors like chameleon are half a business: how to use them and what use is always problematic. In the end I decided to cheat (XD) and use it alone in a smokey. It seems a simple solution but at the same time it brings out a lot, because, having no competitor, her greenish eyes were all for them.
The first thing you need is a basic black or dark. I used the gel eyeliner in black because I think ELF is an excellent base (= does not make the folds) and it is not difficult to blend. I applied over the entire eyelid and slightly beyond the crease with a cat's tongue brush, taking care to remain beautiful intense color at the junction of the lashes. With the same brush with black even in the height of the eye lashes (putting the black pencil in internal rhyme). Then, add an opaque beige color (or a powder of the same color of their skin) under the eyebrow. This will make it much easier to next step, or fade the black eye above the crease with a soft brush.
To make it even more intense color to root of lashes, I took a black pencil and did a sort of line of eyeliner, which I then blended with the cat's tongue brush.
Once done all this, three quarters of work are made XD This is an excellent base for any dark smokey, because just going to tap the selected color above the black.
With the gradient brush (I prefer to use this instead of the brush for application, so you keep everything soft smokey & XD), I took the Chameleon and I tapped on the black on the upper eyelid and then I vanished for good at the crease. No need to do so much work, if the base was done right, just past a light to get a good result. The same procedure must be done very carefully, even under the eye.
Finally, optional step, to enhance the reflections, I got a bit 'of chameleon always wet with a brush to shade and I just tapped on the upper eyelid.
I would say that lack only the mascara XD
the lips would keep me with something very soft nude. But I would say that is better left to talk about personal taste XD
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