Sunday, November 4, 2007

Menstruating Women And Animals

pieces of mail. Post to pieces.

[...] And every now and try, with a whisper to tell you I think there is something beautiful in the world, and that if I do a catalog of beautiful things and that something you're under the same chapter.

[...] nothing more than circular and indirect ways of telling people I love, that I love them. To be less bad if the answers are of a kind. To feel less stupid when I say. To say something like: "These words made me close like I do not know why but make me think of something nice. I do not think that you can do the same effect, because we are different people, but I wanted you to see a good thing, as a child shows a ladybug. At the bottom of what child care? Yet it is beautiful! In summary, I love and use a phrase as an excuse to make a balance of all the times I've amazed with a smile, or (more often) with a reprimand. "

Once you told me that if you want to be loved must become lovable. It 'was something that made me think so, and now I try to act whenever I can ... Maybe getting a little' too naive or childish to arise for others, But for now I know how to do so. No beating about the bush, if I love you I love you. And then, I told you, you to me are the butterfly. If I try to get the wings and destroy you destroy you with everything that we said so far. Do you think that I am ready to lose a person like that?

... one line at a time, one word at a time, at night, to sleep, read what I said. I really want. These are things from the heart.


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