Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Księża Egzorcyści W Polsce

The beauty of controlling REFER: Italy Fastest Hosting Companies

Originally published at WebServer - Eos Net srl . Any Please leave comments there. Turning

between the logs of apache to read refer, at some point we notice a strange link is not Italian.
curious to understand why someone had visited our site from that link, but most of all know which site it was, was very high.


Open the link and we see a title tied to our industry and our beloved Italy Italy
Fastest Hosting Companies

We talk among ourselves to see if anyone had reported on our web site to this blog .
Nobody has reported.
No one has ever seen, no one has ever contacted these people.
The question is still hanging a lantern glowing Christmas ....
... maybe some good angel of our customer reported the site?

Thanks:) since it shows us how one of the fastest hoster Italian, specifying their locations

hope one day to understand the motivation.


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