Sunday, December 10, 2006

How To Write A Vore Story

damnatio memoriae

damnatio memoriae

from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The phrase in Latin damnatio memoriae indicates that in ancient Rome was an exemplary sentence given to all the hostess, that the enemies of Rome and the Senate, which is particularly hated and wanted to eliminate the memories for posterity.

In the Republican era

In Rome, the penalty was party of penalties that could be imposed on a maiestas and stipulated that the praenomen the condemned is not passed down within the family, that it was erased from all inscriptions, which were destroyed and all his images and statues.

Sometimes the penalty in case of a positive vote of the Senate, was followed by actorum terminated, ie the complete destruction of all the works carried out by the person convicted in ' exercise of his office because he was considered a bad citizen. If that act did in life, then - from a legal standpoint - it was a real civil death.

Do not longer part of the City was the fear of every Roman citizen, despite considered equal - if not worse - than death itself.

During the imperial

The damnatio memoriae was a process of degeneration in the Imperial , going to hit even after their death even the memory of the emperors dispossessed or killed. The conviction resulted in the cancellation of the registration of all public monuments and the destruction of statues and monuments fees. They suffered the damnatio memoriae among others Nero, Domitian, Geta (murdered by his brother Emperor Caracalla), Commodus and Elagabalus (but rehabilitated by Septimius Severus).

In the Middle Ages

The institute also continued in the Middle Ages, reaching even to affect the memory of the popes, especially Pope Formoso.


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