Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pulsating Pain In Foot

Lords of Maremma

Lords of Maremma Etruscan
between Elites and Populonia Vulci
by Mariagrazia Celuzza and Giuseppina Carlotta Cianferoni

New expanded edition

It is the catalog of the exhibition held in 2009 in Grosseto in the Archaeological Museum and Art of the Maremma and then presented again, with a wider selection, the National Archaeological Museum of Florence. The book reproduces all the exhibits from 8 October 2010 in Florence.

addition to areas of the Maremma are already in the first exhibition (Populonia Vetulonia Marsiliana of Albegna PoggioBuco-Pitigliano) publication is enriched by the testimony of Vulci certainly an important metropolis of the period, and some graves from the territory of Magliano in Tuscany, including paintings of lions found in the necropolis of the big gate. From the province of Pisa are studied and described some outfits and funerary statues of Casale Marittimo. The spaces of the museum made it possible to expand the choice of pieces, fully exposing important locations such as the Tomb of Flabelli Populonia and that of the Duke of Vetulonia, previously proposed in part. The book goes through findings of extraordinary importance and beauty of life and death of the "lords of the Maremma", or those local elites that emerged from the Etruscan society in the heyday of that civilization, the Orientalising, and have left evidence of particular importance in the Maremma. The Principes, landowners, military leaders, political and perhaps religious, amassed enormous wealth through trade of metals in the Tuscan coast and the Island of Elba abounded,
receiving in return the finest handicraft products of the civilizations of the Mediterranean and the Near East: treasures, symbols of power and prestige in life as in death.


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